Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects risks?

Scientific literature and sources cited by the manufacturer indicate that strophanthin is well tolerated by the human body.

The use of g-Strophanthin, however, is associated with the risk of certain side effects, which may include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • headache
  • temporary vision impairment
  • In extreme cases, if used improperly or in combination with inappropriate medications, it may cause serious heart problems.
The risks of side effects should be minimized by consulting a doctor, informing them about the use of the tincture, and ensuring an adequate potassium intake through diet or supplements.

How to dose Strophanthin drops?

Typically: 5-10 drops twice a day

Emergency: 25-30 drops in a single dose

What makes strophanthin tinctures unique?

Tincture is an alcoholic extract from the seeds of "Strophanthus Gratus", containing not only g-Strophanthin but also other active glycosides and accompanying substances that may facilitate absorption. In the tincture, the obtained dose of Strophanthin remains in its natural environment and concentration, which may result in increased bioavailability and better tolerance compared to an equivalent amount of pure g-Strophanthin.

It is similar to caffeine tablets compared to a cup of coffee or ascorbic acid powder (vitamin C) compared to an orange.

Is there a risk of drug interactions?

Yes. There are scientifically studied interactions between the effects of ouabain (g-strophanthin) and certain active compounds found in pharmaceutical drugs.

Certainly you should not use strophanthin with:

  • Quinidine and quinine – they have a partially overlapping mechanism of action with ouabain, making their combination a significant risk for heart damage.
  • Digoxin – strophanthin may increase the risk of side effects typically associated with digoxin.
  • Corticosteroids – these anti-inflammatory drugs lower potassium levels in the body, which, when combined with strophanthin, increases the risk of its side effects.
  • Laxatives – compounds such as bisacodyl, cascara (American buckthorn), castor oil, senna (senna leaves and fruits), and other substances in this group lower potassium levels in the blood. Therefore, combining them with ouabain also increases the risk of its side effects.
  • Diuretics – diuretic drugs also lower potassium levels in the body and may interact with g-strophanthin, increasing the risk of its typical side effects.

What to supplement during use?

Low potassium levels in the body increase the risk of side effects from g-strophanthin.

If your daily diet is low in potassium, or if blood test results show low potassium levels, it is advisable to supplement potassium while using an ouabain tincture or cardiotonic.

Potassium, in addition to all its other benefits, will help reduce the risk of unwanted side effects.

You should also take:

  • Magnesium
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Vitamin B Complex

How does the tincture taste?

The g-strophanthin tincture/drops have a sharp, bitter taste. However, it is relatively easy to get used to it. 

You can make this process a bit easier by dripping the dose onto a small amount of sugar or taking the extract with honey.

Can pregnant women use the tincture?

No. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not use strophanthin tinctures or drops. 

Is strophanthin a heart medication?

The tincture is not a medication and is not intended for treating or preventing diseases.

However, strophanthin and its properties should primarily attract the attention of people with::

  • an advanced issue with heart muscle function 
  • symptoms such as prolonged shortness of breath when climbing stairs, heart failure, coronary artery disease with angina, accelerated heart rate due to nervous tension, and irregular heartbeat
  • a history of a heart attack
  • implanted bypass grafts or stents
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Why is strophanthin worth your attention?

Healthy, cautious, and preventive individuals may follow common sense by understanding the properties of strophanthin glycosides (not just ouabain). This is especially true for those who are aware of genetic predispositions in their family. These predispositions - as is commonly known - are considered factors that increase the risk of these problems occurring over a lifetime. 

A quick analysis of the available information about the properties, effects, risks of side effects, as well as the opinions and experiences of a vast number of people using g-strophanthin drops, suggests that a high-quality tincture from *Streptocarpus saxorum* is an excellent choice for those of you whose:

  • family members have suffered from heart diseases in the past,
  • are troubled by concerns about the risk of a heart attack,
  • life is full of stress,
  • age indicates increasingly hard-to-ignore risks of heart and coronary system health issues.

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All materials and content on this and all other pages of the website Strofantyna.pl provide only publicly available information and in no case constitute advice of any implied nature.

Therefore, before taking or refraining from any actions based on the information provided here, appropriate professional or specialist medical advice should be obtained by consulting a doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

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